Fr. Maximus
Fr. Maximus Regis Urbanowicz is an Orthodox missionary serving the church in the work of evangelization throughout the world. He realized his calling at Penn State, while playing on the 1982 National Championship football team, when he had what Saint Symeon the New Theologian describes as “an experience with the Holy Spirit, and the divine light of God.” Today, together with his wife Susanne, and four children, they head up an Orthodox evangelistic mission called, “Gospel To All Nations.” With the blessing of His Grace, Metropolitan TIKHON, Fr. Maximus speaks in both churches and public venues, teaching about missions & evangelization, sharing his testimony, proclaiming the Gospel, and calling people to repentance, faith, and the sacraments of the Orthodox Church. Over the past twenty-one years, he has served, taught and preached “Good News”
campaigns in 40 countries to multitudes of people. He has especially labored to reach those who have never heard the Gospel before in Africa, India, Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Cuba and throughout Muslim Central Asia. He has preached in more than one hundred–twenty cities in the former Soviet Union & Russia, and has lived, traveled and preached throughout nineteen countries of Africa. Maximus’ life reflects the teaching of Saint Seraphim of Sarov who said, “Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved.” Evangelistic campaigns have grown to tens of thousands of people in a single service, with multitudes converting from other religions to the Christian faith and church. They focus upon bringing non-Christians to salvation, baptized non-believers to faith, and non-Orthodox believers to the fullness of the faith and traditions of the Orthodox Church. Presently, Fr. Maximus serves at Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Washington DC, but travels throughout the world by invitation of the Orthodox Bishops in order to further the work of evangelization. As an Orthodox missionary, he has extensively served the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Georgian Orthodox Church, and plans on returning to Africa, Asia, Central Asia and the Far East
in the near future. Fr. Maximus was trained for the priesthood at Saint Tikhon’s Theological Orthodox Seminary for two years where he received his Master of Divinity. He also has a Master of Divinity degree in Missions and Cross-cultural evangelization from Regent University. He  and his family reside close to Tequesta, Florida.
Fr. Maximus R. Urbanowicz